David victorious over Goliat is not simply a lesson of faith. Rather, David is a type of Christ. David fought the giant brought victory to his people of Israel. Jesus is the spiritual David conquered sin and death and claimed victory to those who believe in Him.
CÁC THƯ TÍN TỔNG QUÁT (GENERAL EPISTLES) - NT 3100.01 (3 tín chỉ) Khóa Học: Mùa Xuân 2025 Địa điểm: Zoom. ID#: 832 7484 9232 và Password: *...
Dr. Elmer Towns http://digitalcommons.liberty.edu/towns_books/ Dr. John Piper https://www.desiringgod.org/articles/24-free-ebooks-for-yo...
CÁCH TRI ÂN TỐT NHẤT: CẦU NGUYỆN CHO MỤC SƯ Tất cả con cái Chúa trong Hội Thánh đều biết là họ được các Mục Sư cầu nguyện cho. Nhưng tất c...
The Seven A's of Confession Matt. 7:3-5; 1 John 1:8-9; Prov. 28:13 ADDRESS everyone involved (All those whom you affected) AVOID if, ...
Hosea 11:1 - Out of Egypt I called my son. Hosea was referring to Israel. But Matthew quotes him and refers to Jesus. David victorious ...