The pastor of a church is in a precarious position; he can't please everyone! It has been said:
If he is young, he lacks experience; if his hair is grey, he's too old for the young people.
If he has several children, he has too many; if he has no children, he's setting a bad example.
If he preaches from his notes, he has canned sermons and is too dry; if he doesn't use notes, he has not studied and is not deep.
If he is attentive to the poor people in the church, they claim he is playing to the grandstand; if he pays attention to the wealthy, he is trying to be an aristocrat.
If he suggests changes for improvement of the church, he is a dictator; if he makes no suggestions, he is a figurehead.
If he uses too many illustrations, he neglects the Bible; if he doesn't use enough illustrations, he isn't clear.
If he condemns wrong, he is cranky; if he doesn't preach against sin, he's a compromiser.
If he fails to please somebody, he's hurting the church and ought to leave; if he tries to please everyone, he is a fool.
If he preaches about money, he's a money grabber; if he doesn't preach spiritual giving, he is failing to develop the people.
If he drives an old car, he shames his congregation; if he drives a new car, he is setting his affection on earthly things.
If he preaches all the time, the people get tired of hearing one man; if he invites guest speakers, he is shirking his responsibility.
If he receives a large salary, he's mercenary; if he receives only a small salary, well-it proves he isn't worth much anyway.
- Author Unknown
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